In this article we can learn about In this article, we can know about In this article, we can know about dental, dental hygiene, stain, dental health, teeth stains, dental lab, dental scaler, dental bleaching, dental porcelain, dental staining removal, dental care, dental airflow, dental cleaning too, dental implants, tobacco stain, dental plaque, dental polish stains

Extrinsic Teeth Stains 

      An extrinsic tooth stain is staining on the surface of the tooth. It occurs when staining particles, such as pigmented residue from food or drink, a build-up in the film of protein that covers the tooth enamel. Extrinsic tooth stains are typically caused by tobacco use or by regularly drinking coffee and tea, wine or cola drinks. This type of tooth stain responds well to regular dental cleaning and brushing the teeth with whitening toothpaste.

What is an Extrinsic Teeth Stains

Stains on teeth are generally of two varieties, extrinsic and intrinsic. ... Extrinsic stains generally occur on the surface of a tooth, and typically result from consumption of foods and beverages which contain pigments, such as coffee, tea, caramel coloring. Extrinsic stains can also result from smoking (tar stain).

 Why do we have to remove Extrinsic Teeth Stains:

Extrinsic stains yellow the surface of your teeth and can be caused by eating certain foods as well as smoking cigarettes or drinking coffee. These stains can be removed or made less noticeable, either by brushing the stains well with a good toothbrush or trying an over-the-counter tooth whitening product.

What causes of Extrinsic Teeth Stains

Extrinsic discoloration — This occurs when the outer layer of the tooth (the enamel) is stained by coffee, wine, cola or other drinks or foods. Smoking also causes extrinsic stains. Intrinsic discoloration — This is when the inner structure of the tooth (the dentin) darkens or gets a yellow tint.